Spring is finally here! After what has felt like an eternity, winter’s icy grip has relaxed and we can expect better weather to gradually head our way. To prepare for the Easter holidays, let’s chase away those winter cobwebs from our hibernating gear and get ready for an outdoors-y adventure or two! The lighter nights and milder days mean the urge to get outside is growing. Whether that be lounging about in the garden, camping with our friends, treating the family to a trip in the campervan or taking the convertible out for a spin. Many of us have neglected our outdoor equipment over the last few months but now it’s time to give them some Fabsil TLC.
Here at Fabsil, we love the outdoors and helping others to get outside and have an adventure is what motivates us. We want to help make your experience be as smooth and protected as possible, ensuring your gear works when you’re out and about, whether that be on the road, in the hills, on the water or in the home, we’ve got you and your gear’s back. With the Easter holidays just around the corner, you might be scratching your head and wondering what to do with the kids for two whole weeks. This is a perfect opportunity to encourage the kids to spend time outside. Either kicking a ball about the local park, climbing trees in the garden or out on a family camping trip, being outdoors has some major benefits for their young bodies and minds.
Being outside can improve a child’s sociability, forcing them out of their comfort zone to interact with others amongst nature. It can also improve their concentration, aiding their cognitive development by decreasing their anxiety and increasing their happiness whilst boosting their overall health. During the Easter holidays, encouraging the kids to get out for some fresh air in the great outdoors can educate them on the importance of nature and caring for the environment. The quietude of the countryside offers fewer distractions than towns and cities, enabling a break from the busyness of school, exams and whatever else your young ones have got on their minds. It’s also a chance to spend some quality time with them completely undisturbed. A recent government-funded survey in England shows that our kids are spending less time outdoors than prison inmates. This Easter, let’s change that. Give them an adventure to brag to their mates about when they return to school.

Regardless of what kind of outdoor activity is on the agenda, after all those months of gathering dust in the garage or the shed, your gear will be in dire need of cleaning. Even if you haven’t used it during winter, your gear will have sat and accumulated dirt and dust; impurities that can affect the performance of your equipment, impairing the DWR (durable water repellency). Spring is notorious for its downpours (we’re looking at you, April Showers), despite the idea that spring brings warmer, sunnier weather, we know this mostly isn’t the case. Dirty gear plus April Showers equals tents that let the rain in, useless caravan awnings and soggy trips in the convertible. But all of that can easily be avoided with Fabsil. To fix your grimy gear, check out our superior Cleaning Collection. Once your equipment is clean, it might be good to go, but always try the beading test before you use your equipment outdoors. It’s pretty simple: flick or pour some water onto the surface of your gear and if it beads up and rolls off, the DWR is working just fine. But if it soaks in and absorbs, it’s time to reproof. With summer around the corner, it might be worth treating your gear to Fabsil’s Universal Protector UV, helping to protect your gear from harsh UV rays. Alternatively, for a super-concentrated defence against rain and stains, Fabsil Gold is the solution for you.
So, with spring in full swing and Easter on its way, we’ll be spending more time outside and what better way to spend it than making memories with the family? Don’t forget to be prepared for spring’s rising temperatures and casual downpours, ensuring your gear is clean and protected and from us all here at Fabsil, we wish you a fabulous Easter.