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Protect Against April Showers

Protect Against April Showers

It’s April, and even though the days are longer and the temperatures are gradually rising, April showers are an unavoidable part of spring. But we shouldn’t let that delay us from getting the garden furniture out of the shed, taking the soft-top convertible out for a spin or heading out on a camping adventure! Your outdoor gear deserves the best protection out there and our range of powerful protective solutions will preserve your outdoor gear from rain, stains and UV rays, ensuring it lasts and keeps you protected whatever your adventure.

Those spring downpours can appear from nowhere. The morning can be pleasantly warm and sunny but by lunchtime, you could be caught up in a blustery shower. April is associated with these frequent freak showers in the Northern Hemisphere due to the northern trajectory of the Jetstream. Its movement in spring brings strong winds and rain from the Atlantic, hence the April showers. But April can also be known for lovely, mild temperatures and it would be a shame to waste a good day outside just because of a little rain. For Fabsil protectors, April showers are child’s play.

With Fabsil protectors, there is no excuse not to get out there, whether on the hills or in the garden, with Fabsil, your gear is always protected. Which protector you choose will depend on what kind of protection you require and the size of your gear. You can choose from Fabsil Gold Universal Protector or Universal Protector UV. Fabsil Gold is a powerful, highly concentrated and durable solution that will defend your gear from rain and stains, maintaining and reinforcing your gear’s durable water repellency (DWR). Universal Protector UV is an effective, water-repellent treatment that also shields against potent UV rays, protecting your gear from performance-debilitating sun damage. 

We’ve compiled a list of our favourite spring adventure staples and paired them with the perfect Fabsil protector to ensure they're defended against whatever weird and whacky weather spring has in store. 

  • For our TentBox and favourite family tents, we reach for our Tent Care Kit – cleaning and reproofing combined which is always a perfect pair.  Remember, before reproofing, we recommend cleaning your gear to prepare it for an effective reproof. Cleaning removes dirt, dust and grime, reviving any remaining DWR and allowing Fabsil protective solutions to really work their magic. So, our Tent Care Kit will let your TentBox and other tents perform to the best of their ability, keeping you warm and dry.
  • Our spray-on protectors go perfectly with smaller items, such as rucksacks, walking boots and small garden furniture items, like outdoor pillows. The spray application allows for easy access to hard-to-reach nooks and crannies, offering substantial coverage.
  • Items that spend a lot of time in the sun (but wouldn't do so well from all that tanning), such as garden parasols and awnings, will benefit from Fabsil's Universal Protector UV, defending from harsh UV rays and sun damage.
  • Fabsil Gold will be a perfect pairing for the gear you want to coat with an extremely shielding layer of water resistance. Its highly concentrated formula protects marine sails, marquees and soft-top car roofs from inclement weather.

Begin reproofing your outdoor gear now and you'll reap the benefits! You will not only protect your beloved gear (and yourself) from the aforementioned, infamous April showers, but you'll also prepare your gear ahead of the summer months ready for those sunny days in the garden, spontaneous camping trips with the family or spending time on a solo hike. Whichever way you choose to spend your time outdoors, protect it with Fabsil.